CNN "CNN Newsroom" - Transcript: Interview with Tammy Baldwin



Joining us now is Democratic Senator Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin.

Senator, thanks so much for being here.

So, bipartisan baby steps. It's cleared the first -- the infrastructure bill has cleared the first hurdle. And I know that that is a big victory for the bipartisanship in the Senate. But you have already heard the Democratic pushback on this.

Are you afraid that this Democratic logjam which we're seeing could scuttle the whole thing?

SEN. TAMMY BALDWIN (D-WI): You know, I believe that we are going to work our way through this.

And there have been any number of roadblocks, which maybe is an appropriate metaphor when we're talking about infrastructures, that have cropped up in this process. But we keep on negotiating, seeking input, listening to concerns, and finding a way to take that next step, just as we achieved last night, when 17 Republicans joined all the Democrats in opening up the debate on the bipartisan bill.

That bill alone introduces a lot of new federal resources to address the fact that we have neglected and failed to maintain our nation's infrastructure for years, if not decades. And we understand that it really needs this once-in-a-lifetime, once-in-a-generation infusing of funds for not just surface transportation, but also water infrastructure and broadband access and affordability.


So, these are really bold goals. And I will tell you, my own perspective is that the bipartisan framework, now bill, goes hand in hand with the budget resolution which we will take up next week, because we need to support the workers who are going to actually be building and maintaining and making stronger our nation's infrastructure.

CAMEROTA: Well, I mean, you're not alone in that feeling.

We have heard from other congresspeople this week, particularly the progressives, who feel that it must go hand in hand, as you just said. But then you hear Senator Kyrsten Sinema say that that -- she won't -- she's not sold on that price tag.

So how do you break that? How do you win her over?

BALDWIN: Well, I think that, right now, we're just talking about the budget process that sets up an opportunity for all the committees of the Senate to put together the bill.

And it would serve us all well to wait until we see it and be active in the process of putting it together before determining how one is going to vote. So, I urge my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to keep an open mind as we assemble that budget reconciliation bill.

But it's a two-step process. And at least we have everyone's commitment in the Democratic Caucus to open that process up and begin it.

CAMEROTA: I want to move on and talk about COVID and what's happening across the country in terms of the unvaccinated and the spread of the Delta variant...


CAMEROTA: ... and the battle against misinformation, which I know is important to you.

And your fellow Wisconsin leader Ron Johnson is peddling some of the misinformation. So, let me just read to you what he said this week.

This is in a statement, an official statement: "Do masks even work? Do they do more harm than good," he's asking, "particularly to children, who have a low risk of serious death or disease from COVID? Remember, the initial goal of the public policy was to flatten the curve, so we wouldn't overwhelm hospitals. Time to let Americans, not federal agencies, make decisions for themselves. Time to reclaim liberty and end this state of fear."

What do you say to Ron Johnson?

BALDWIN: You know, I think the responsibility of leaders is to speak the truth and to help share the evidence and the science that's out there.

And I have been throughout this period of time, as the Delta variant has begun to rage through our country -- and, certainly, the numbers in Wisconsin are quite alarming. We had 794 new cases yesterday, 900- some the day before. We haven't seen these numbers since early April.

And what it shows is that vaccines make a difference and masks make a difference. And I am urging all Wisconsinites, especially in those parts of the state where the vaccination rates remain stubbornly low, that this is your opportunity to not only prevent yourself from getting very sick and being hospitalized, ventilated, and maybe dying, but also to help your loved ones and your community.

And had we all -- had we all gotten vaccinated at very high rates right away, we could have stamped out the entire coronavirus. There would be nowhere for that virus to turn, if you will. But because so many people do not have immunities because of failure to be vaccinated, there are still a significant percentage of our population where that virus has the opportunity to spread.



But, I mean, and then you have Senator Ron Johnson, who's wondering if masks work. I mean, do you speak to him about that? How do you even fight it if -- when a senator wonders, do masks do more harm than good?

BALDWIN: You know, we have a lot of challenges in terms of disinformation that's purposeful and misinformation.

What's important for me is to share the science and evidence that I have gained in my position as a U.S. senator directly from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, et cetera, and to go out there and urge people to do what we know works.


And that is vaccinate and wear a mask.

CAMEROTA: Senator Tammy Baldwin, thank you. We appreciate your time. Obviously, we will be watching what happens next with the infrastructure bills.

BALDWIN: Thank you.

