Setting Forth the Congressional Budget for the United States Government for Fiscal Year 2022 and Setting Forth the Appropriate Budgetary Levels for Fiscal Years 2023 Through 2031

Floor Speech

Date: Aug. 10, 2021
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. CRAMER. Mr. President, I call up Cramer amendment No. 3105 and ask that it be reported by number.


Mr. CRAMER. Mr. President, this amendment would simply prohibit any ban on hydraulic fracturing. Such a ban would raise Americans' cost of living, weaken our national security, and, of course, actually enhance greenhouse gas emissions.

Thanks to the technology of fracking, since 2007, U.S. oil production has doubled, and natural gas production has increased by 60 percent. That is helping States like Colorado, New Mexico, Pennsylvania. And it rids us of our reliance on nations like Saudi Arabia and Russia.

And, by the way, banning fracking would lead to triple-digit oil prices and possible global economic shock as per the University of Chicago.

Ironically, a ban on fracking would also increase global greenhouse gas emissions. Energy Secretary Granholm just recently said that the Russian gas is ``the dirtiest form of natural gas on Earth.'' And she is right. Emissions from Russian natural gas are over 40 percent higher than ours.

Democrats' fracking ban would be bad for North Dakota and our Nation and the environment, and I urge my colleagues to vote yes.

