Malliotakis: Mayor's Mandate is an Unacceptable Overreach


(STATEN ISLAND, NY) - Today Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis (NY-11), member of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis, issued the below statement following New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio's announcement that New York City will become the first U.S. city to require proof of vaccination for a variety of activities for city employees and customers, including indoor dining, gyms, entertainment, and performances.

"The Mayor is demonstrating an extraordinary level of government overreach and also attempting to further turn our city's small businesses into the COVID police by forcing them to require employees and patrons to show proof of vaccination," said Congresswoman Malliotakis. "While I'm vaccinated and strongly urge others to become vaccinated, the government's role should be to provide the science so Americans can make informed decisions for themselves. These mandates and precluding citizens from taking part in everyday activities are unacceptable."
