Investing in New York-19

Floor Speech

Date: July 29, 2021
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. DELGADO. Madam Speaker, throughout the appropriations process, I have worked to secure investments for upstate families, farmers, small businesses, and veterans.

I would like to highlight a few projects included in this year's funding package that will improve and empower communities all across my district.

In Columbia County, more than 300 homes and businesses in the towns of Ghent, Canaan, New Lebanon, and Austerlitz will be connected to high-speed broadband.

The village of Philmont Fire Department will be able to purchase 12 new air packs and replace an 81-year-old fire siren.

In Delaware County folks will soon have access to quality, safe, and affordable childcare.

Northern Dutchess Hospital will add 18 beds to its family birth center.

These are just a few of the projects that we were able to secure. These are invaluable investments in New York-19.

