Statement from Congressman Horsford on Federal Eviction Moratorium Expiration


Date: Aug. 1, 2021

Tonight, Congressman Steven Horsford (D-NV-04) issued the following statement to demand an immediate extension of the federal eviction moratorium, which expired at 12:00 a.m. Eastern Time.

"As Democrats in Congress fought to extend the federal eviction moratorium and keep families in their homes, Reps. Cori Bush, Maxine Waters, Ayanna Pressley, and others have spoken truth to power. Allowing the eviction moratorium to expire in the middle of a pandemic is unconscionable, and our working families deserve better.

"When I was growing up, my family was evicted. It's the scariest thing to know that you can be kicked out of your home with all your belongings and nowhere to go. Eviction is a stressor that no child should experience.

"Earlier this week, I introduced emergency legislation to extend the eviction moratorium and keep families in their homes. I was deeply disappointed to see Congress adjourn without action, leaving as many as 11 million renters in danger of eviction.

"The American Rescue Plan added $21 billion in rental assistance to help landlords who work with their tenants to avoid evictions, for a total of $46 billion in aid. As we push to extend the moratorium, I will keep working with Nevada's state and local officials to make sure the funding I fought for makes it to families in need. We must keep everyone housed during this pandemic."
