Issue Position: Critical Race Theory

Issue Position

If something is so confusing that at first you think there is something wrong with it, and then you are told you really just don't understand it, and then learning about it makes you feel like you are ashamed of who you are, or that you should be angry at those all around you, it is not designed to create peace, even if it has some truth in it.

While I appreciate that the truth is what we need to know and that looking at all of our ugly selves as well as the beauty within is what is required for healing, CRT as a movement, does not indent peace, it exacerbates poor race-relations.

I will strike CRT, immediately, from school curriculum in exchange for simply allowing the facts of history to speak for themselves as well as to see to it that the noble and uplifting biographies of those heroes of all races/cultures that have helped shape US History are voiced!

It is time to embrace this shadow of disgrace that haunts every American and make new choices based in the vibrations of forgiveness, healing and love - not shame / silencing and continuing the cycle of violence through feelings of the need for retribution.

I would love to create an alternative to CRT, a friend of mine coined the term DiversiTea, as a way for children in his classroom to sit and have chats about hard subjects.

Essentially, as an educator, what I've seen is that people really want to talk about their feelings when it comes to bias, race, diversity, friendship, safety, family and more….

There has been so much "distancing" at the exact moment when what we really want is to speak openly.

As Governor, I will look to create ways for people to disffuse the frustration and come into greater, real, connection.
