Issue Position: Equity + Equality

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2021

When we talk about equity and equality, what we are really talking about is Tribal Economy.

There is something inherent in each of us that knows when we are being given the same as others, as when we are being given less.

In a tribe, all members are given their fair share and similar opportunities to be full members of the community, in their own unique way.

I am a Tribal Community/Economy visionary, and you will find my policies begin with ensuring that all people have not just a "basic" income but a viable one with housing and food and access to education and enjoyable employment.

Think: $5000 per month for food/shelter!

No shame. No ridiculous hoops to jump through! I trust that when people are given the right supports, they will naturally want to be apart of the community that supports them!

And if they don't that just means they need how to receive Love again, as most likely there was not enough of this in their soul-story.

It is time to believe in humanity and create policy that sees the value of every human life!
