Issue Position: Cultural Appropriation (Native American Peoples)

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2021

It is right to ask. It is right to appreciate. It is right to offer respect.

It is also very necessary to learn from each other: to open up, and to find connection to the wisdom of the Earth.

We all live in California, and the Spirits of the Land … whispers to us all… asking for us to remember the dream… of the Earth, of Life.

There are many people who have lost their connection to the Earth because their wisdom keepers were killed.

Many "white people" of European descent, as well as many people of color from Africa, the Americas, and all around the globe.

When we do not allow someone who feels called to learn, or to connect, with the Spirits of the Land where they live currently, we remain blind to our connection with one another and the elements/beings of the Earth.

It is time to braid our knowing, to blend our loving and to find ways to honor those whose ancestors of this land.

When I am the Governor of California, you will find immediate proclamations for support and reparations for Native people. I will also ask Native peoples to share in their knowledge of how to care for this land, in native ways!

If we as Californians have anything in-common it is the beauty and the spirit of our Land. I pray that we let this guide us in seeking to hold in our hearts just as much beauty as we beyond with our eyes.

I personally experienced a life-transforming event during a dream when I was visited by a Native American chief. Now you can say it was just a dream and I made it up, or you can honor that there are mysteries in life that we cannot fully understand, but what I know is that I felt different, in my heart, after this vision. My heart felt more open and life became to take on a deeper more meaningful quality after this dream. It has given me a direct experience with spiritual guidance that I feel is directly tied to living on this land.
