Issue Position: Homelessness

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2021

The same day that I am made the Governor of California, every person that is homeless, will have a place to sleep for the night and something to eat.

And no person, while I am Governor, will be homeless.

This issue seems complex, but it's really pretty easy to solve. There are homeless people. There are places that are empty that can house them.

They need to be cared for, while housing can be made for them, and while they receive nutrition and healing to assist them in returning to a place where they can interact with society.

Drug addiction and mental health issues need to be addressed. But more importantly, in order to keep people from turning to drugs and wanting to "be out of their minds and bodies" people who are homeless and not able to function in society need to be given ways to feel more self-confidence, less shame, and find more stability with a community they can count on will be there while they recuperate and reorient themselves towards contribution and working in productive, positive ways.

No one should be left out in the cold, or be made to feel that they are invisible. We have a long ways to go towards healing this crisis in California. I will make it my top priority!

I have personally taken folks off the street and assisted them in finding their way again. I have done this one on one, and I know how to affect this change over the entire state.

No one will be without a home, period! And all will be fed, and made to feel welcome.
