Issue Position: Fire Preparedness

Issue Position

Whatever our state needs for fire-preparedness, we will have the very same hour I become Governor.

Whatever our emergency response teams need in the way of resources or additional crew members, they will have with all the speed that they give our communities when we are in need.

In order to have reliable resources to respond to natural and man-made disasters, we must support those who give their lives and their love to save us. You can rest assured that fire-prevention will be a great new jobs-creation space in my administration as Governor of California.

I will also enact greater oversight over plane-flight activity. Documenting any planes that are not specifically on commercial routes to ensure that there is no unexplainable trails in the sky or heat from the heavens.

When I am Governor, our state will actively request and police our skies from foreign/federal programs designed to harm humans in any way!
