Issue Position: Justice for Young Offenders

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2021

Why do children hurt themselves or others? Why are children hurt by others?

This subject is near and dear to my heart and resources as well as education will be provided for all families experiencing challenges with children on drugs or who are non-responsive or unattached positively to parents.

No punishment will be measured to children but rather education, nurturing and love will be given to help children find their way again to feeling whole and right within themselves.

The Child Protective Services program, as well as the Foster-Care programs in the state will all be independently evaluated for the harm/help they offer.

Children will be supported and liberated, in every way!

Children will no longer be taken away from their parents for anything less than abuse. And parents who are found to abuse their children will be given supports to heal and improve.

We will not give up and throw parents away! We will also not tolerate any environment where children are abused, neglected or molested. Period!
