Issue Position: Free Higher Education

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2021

It should go without saying that anyone who wants to pursue higher education should be empowered to do so. In person, in dynamic learning environments (and in flexible online situations) that inspire a desire to be innovative and successful in life. All community colleges will once again be near-free for all (including new immigrants looking to find their way towards quality of life and work).

The CSU and UC systems will enjoy much-reduced rates of tuition with work/study availability and many more scholarships made available. Students will be encouraged to go at a slower-pace and work part-time to participate in their educational costs and at the same time be encouraged to take part in community and athletic programs for positive work/life balance.

A hotline will set up for people who want to go to school and need assistance. In essence, if someone wants to go to school, but cannot afford it, for whatever reason, a way will be made for them to go to school and reach their goals. Means tests will be used, but credit rating will not be used and loans, if any, will be no interest and paid back through flexible state service or manageable rates.
