Issue Position: Private Property

Issue Position

I do not believe in taking away private property or in forcing a re-distribution of wealth. I believe we need a fundamental change in consciousness, to understand that hoarding wealth and seeking more and more… does not benefit any body or give us wealth, as a collective humanity!

When I am governor you can look forward to taxes and incentives that make sense (and make friends).

It is time to disconnect the economic sector from political power, and to allow the markets to grow because people are allowed to build businesses and bring their dreams to life.

It's time as well - to Open the Economy!

No more mask requirements!

No more administrative-policy requiring the closure of business!

No more county-by-county differences in what people are able to do safely in their communities.

*Questions of public safety will be moved once again to personal choice in all cases. There is no need for government forced-choice or intervention. This is not science, it is another "Inquisition" based in new "belief systems" that do not belong in the political sphere.

"If you call fire in a building when there is no fire and there is harm done from people reacting in predictable fear and panic - you must be held accountable."
- Holly L. Baade

*Consequences will result in monetary fines for media outlets which print news or air content that is not generated by substantiated & balanced research.

We will have no more power given to the Associated Press to launch large-scale propaganda attacks on the public as a form of creating fear in the public for the purposes of reactionary policy-creation and social-engineering!

When I am the Governor, you can once again look forward to truth in the media, found through balanced perspectives and original research.

Access to food / gardens

When I am Governor of the State of California, you will see it Flourish.

The first program I will enact (after fire preparedness and services for to end homelessness) will be to create Garden Warriors!

Yes, that is right. Every building will become a garden and a platform for solar/renewable energy in decorative and beautiful ways!

No one needs to go without food. We are the "Garden State."
