Executive Order 2019-23D Continuance and Reauthorization of the Statewide Interoperability Executive Committee

Executive Order

WHEREAS, the State of Ohio recognizes that one of its most important responsibilities and profound duties is to provide for the safety and security of its citizens; and

WHEREAS, the State of Ohio must constantly be prepared to immediately respond to all disasters, whether natural or man-made; and

WHEREAS, in the event of a disaster or emergency, government agencies and emergency responders at all levels must be able to communicate effectively to ensure the most efficient and immediate usage of resources and emergency services; and

WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Office of Emergency Communications has established national standards for wireless voice and data communications and published those standards in the National Emergency Communications Plan; and

WHEREAS, for Ohio to be eligible for federal funding in support of the National Emergency Communications Plan and the Nationwide Public Safety Interoperable Wireless Broadband Network Inititative, there must be a single point of contact and a single coordinated effort; and

WHEREAS, this single point of contact and coordinated effort that focuses on technology, coordination, governance, planning, usage, training, and exercises is essential to strengthen public safety communications capabilities statewide;

NOW THEREFORE, I, Mike DeWine, Governor of the State of Ohio, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of this State, do hereby order and direct that:

The Ohio Statewide Interoperability Executive Committee (SIEC) is hereby continued and reauthorized to address concerns relating to operability and interoperability of local, regional, and statewide public safety voice and data communications systems, to plan for the long-term efficient implementation and operation of interconnected public safety communications systems, and to improve overall public safety communications interoperability in Ohio.
The SIEC shall consist of a representative from each of the entities listed in Appendix A, attached hereto.
The SIEC shall regularly report to the Directors of the Department of Public Safety and the Department of Administrative Services, and is authorized to:
All State departments, agencies, boards, commissions, and officers shall cooperate and provide any necessary assistance requested by the SIEC, or any duly authorized member or representative thereof, in the performance of its duties.
A. Develop policy recommendations related to comprehensive public safety communications systems, processes, and operations throughout the State.

B. Create and implement comprehensive strategies to develop, sustain, and improve public safety communications technologies at the local, regional, and statewide levels.

C. Coordinate the implementation of such comprehensive State strategies with State, regional, federal, and local government partners, first responders, non-government organizations, the private sector, and experts within academia and research communities.

D. Be responsible for the coordination and implementation of national communications plans and policies at the State level, including, but not limited to, the National Emergency Communications Plan and the Nationwide Public Safety Interoperable Wireless Broadband Network.

E. Be the single point of contact with federal communications entities for the State of Ohio.

F. Evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of implementing and funding specific priorities of State, regional, and local communications efforts in coordination with national communications priorities and funding initiatives.

G. Review and evaluate existing and emerging issues that relate to statewide, regional, and local public safety communications matters.

4. All State departments, agencies, boards, commissions, and officers shall cooperate and provide any necessary assistance requested by the SIEC, or any duly authorized member or representative thereof, in the performance of its duties

I signed this Executive Order on September 4, 2019 in Columbus, Ohio and it will not expire unless it is rescinded.

Mike DeWine, Governor


Frank LaRose, Secretary of State
