Help Cuban People Organize

Floor Speech

Date: July 20, 2021
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Foreign Affairs


Mr. LaMALFA. Madam Speaker, the Communist Party is afraid. They are seeing their ideas collapse. They are seeing that people will no longer wait for the countless empty promises of the Castro years to be fulfilled.

This is why we are seeing thousands of unarmed protesters being arrested, beaten, and killed all across the island of Cuba.

If the Communist Party of Cuba had their way, if they were successful in blocking the communications of their people as they intended to do with their power outages and censorship, then we wouldn't even be able to see these abuses.

Cuba's Communist Government has had 62 years to prove that it could provide health, housing, education, work, food, and security to its people. Instead, we see buildings collapsing on the heads of Cuban citizens. We see that the government provided food full of gravel. We see security forces firing live rounds into crowds that are not allowed to be armed.

The White House needs to act soon to help the Cuban people organize and communicate freely, and let the rest of the world know what is really happening only 90 miles from our border.

Where is the United Nations?

I call on President Biden to unblock and expand uncensored internet access. We have the technology to do it now and guarantee cellular service to their island.

The embargo is not the problem. People need to be liberated. They are political prisoners. Provide independent and free press.

Madam Speaker, which of these do the Cuban people not deserve?

