Torres: Republican Obstruction on January 6th Betrays our Democracy


Date: June 30, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Congresswoman Norma J. Torres (CA-35) today helped pass House Resolution 503, which establishes the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol.

The Resolution passed by a vote of 222 to 190 with only two Republican votes.

Congresswoman Torres, who has publicly recounted her traumatic experience being trapped in the House Chamber during the attack, released the following statement excoriating lawmakers who obstructed accountability today:

"Today's vote makes clear what so many of us already knew -- the Republican Party of conservative principles is gone, and what's left is a proving ground of one-upmanship for radicalism, authoritarian rhetoric, and calls for violence.

"The attack on our Capitol was an attack on American democracy. Republicans could have joined Democrats in holding President Trump accountable in January, just as they could have joined us today in seeking the truth with this Committee. Instead, almost every one of them voted to brush the entire ordeal under the rug, and some have gone so far as to intentionally mislead the public about who is at fault.

"Three Capitol police officers ultimately died ensuring our democracy did not falter that day, and more than 50 were seriously injured. They did their part, and today it was up to us as lawmakers to do our part as well.

"It is unsettling to see how many Republicans failed that test. The fact that H. Res 503 passed despite their efforts is an important step forward, but the fact that this was a largely party-line vote shows just how far we have to go to heal our democracy."
