Letter to Hon. Gavin Newsom, Governor of California - Rep Lieu And Senator Padilla Lead California Delegation In Supporting Governor Newsom's Effort To Address Homelessness Crisis


Dear Governor Newsom,

As legislators representing communities across California, we are all firmly committed to solving the urgent crisis of homelessness. Our districts are urban, suburban, and rural, yet each of them is home to a portion of the 161,000 people experiencing homelessness in California on any given night. We must all work together to meet this crisis head on, using our collective political will to marshal historic resources and see through the policy changes to bring all of our neighbors home.

We applaud your historic investments to tackle this crisis. Project Roomkey and Homekey have been unparalleled successes. These programs have rapidly brought thousands of people indoors and become national models for addressing homelessness. We are grateful that your FY 21-22 budget proposal doubles down on this success, increasing resources for Project Homekey while scaling up needed investments for homeless families, students, and other populations.

We thank the Administration and the State Legislature for their agreement to provide $1 billion in annual, ongoing funding for local jurisdictions to address homelessness with evidence-based housing solutions, coupled with strong accountability measures. To address homelessness, we need a toolkit that includes Project Homekey, rental assistance, homelessness prevention, shelters, navigation centers, and street engagement. Ongoing funding will help ensure a comprehensive solution to this crisis.

As the Administration and State Legislature work to develop policy language for this groundbreaking budget proposal, we encourage the parties to continue to root this proposal in best practices and evidence-based solutions, including those recommended in the "Bring California Home" framework.

The federal government is eager to partner in this endeavor. As part of the American Rescue Plan, we approved over $21 billion in rental assistance funding, $5 billion in homeless services funding, and $5 billion in new Emergency Housing Vouchers to tackle homelessness, building on the investments made in the CARES Act and other subsequent stimulus packages. We are committed to additional efforts with our partners in Congress and the White House to secure billions more for affordable housing through federal infrastructure legislation, and to secure more funding for housing vouchers.

We appreciate the State of California's partnership in this endeavor. Together, we can bring thousands of our neighbors into affordable, stable, and healthy housing environments.

