Investing in America's Recovery

Floor Speech

Date: June 25, 2021
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Taxes Family


Mr. TONKO. Madam Speaker, nearly 40 percent of Americans before COVID couldn't cover an unexpected $400 expense without selling belongings or going into debt. And no one pays a greater price for poverty than our kids.

I am proud of our work to pass the American Rescue Plan and deliver a lifeline for millions of struggling Americans. Starting July 15, that lifeline gets stronger.

In a few weeks, and again every month throughout 2021, hardworking families will get a check of up to $400 per child. That check will help millions of parents buy healthy food, new clothes, shoes, and books for their kids, pay rent and utilities, and even afford childcare so they can get back to work.

In my own home district in New York's capital region, these checks will reach more than 37,000 households and help lift more than 5,000 of our kids out of poverty. These are not just lasting investments in America's recovery; they are the downpayment on our brightest future.

I urge every parent and family that has struggled to make ends meet during this pandemic to visit and make certain that you are signed up.

