Matsui Statement In Honor Of Juneteenth


Date: June 19, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, Congresswoman Doris Matsui (CA-06), issued the following statement on the celebration of Juneteenth and the recent passage of the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act, legislation to make Juneteenth a federal holiday.

"This week, with the passage of the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act, we finally affirmed the national importance of Juneteenth, a celebration that millions of Black Americans have recognized for generations.

"Juneteenth is first and foremost a day of joy -- a beautiful celebration of freedom for Black Americans. Yet, as we collectively commemorate the end of slavery as a nation, this day also stands as a day of reflection. We are reminded that although our past has been stained by injustice and racism, we have a responsibility to stand up, act, and build a better future for all.

"Over the past year, our nation has faced a reckoning on racism and the structural injustices that still permeate our society. Communities across the country have stood in a unified effort to call out and address these issues, leading the fight for a more perfect union and a more equitable tomorrow. As we celebrate Juneteenth as a national holiday, we take an important step forward, uplifting Black history, and strengthening America together."
