Rep. Madeleine Dean Secures District Funding as Part of House Democrats' INVEST in America Act

Press Release

Date: July 1, 2021
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Infrastructure

Rep. Madeleine Dean (PA-04), helped pass the INVEST in America Act and secured $18,262,116 in funding for infrastructure projects within the 4th district.

The INVEST in America Act aims to create fair-paying jobs, invest in roads, bridges, transit, rail, drinking water, and wastewater infrastructure. The funds secured by the Congresswoman will be distributed between the following four Surface transportation projects within the district:

Park Ave, Eagleville Road, Crawford Road Intersection Realignment Project
South Henderson Road Widening
Cross County Trail -- Germantown Pike Crossing and Extension
SR 29 & SR 113 Intersection Improvements
"It's simple -- it is time to upgrade our infrastructure," Rep. Dean said. "I am pleased to see our district included in the bill, and look forward to continuing to work with the committee to bring even more investments in my district to provide safer roads, bridges, and water, and create a more livable community."

The Invest in America Act is intended to meet the president's goals laid out in the American Jobs Plan through funding infrastructure projects throughout the nation, because investing in infrastructure is investing in our nation's future.

Rep. Madeleine Dean is a mother, grandmother, attorney, professor, former four-term member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, and U.S. Representative for the Fourth District of Pennsylvania.
