CNN "Erin Burnett Outfront" - Transcript: Interview with Bennie Thompson


Date: May 19, 2021


REP. BENNIE THOMPSON (D-MS): Well, first of all, they took a principled vote. The people who voted on the Republican side, they were there. They saw what went on and you can't, in reality, whitewash the events. It was an insurrection. It was a riot, whatever you want to call it.


But it was not the orderly operation of the United States Capitol. And so for those individuals who voted to get to the facts, we met Republicans at every point to try to make this situation bipartisan. As you already spoke to, Leader McCarthy, we, word for word, accepted what he wanted, because we just want to get to the facts. The public deserves the fact. Congress deserves the fact.

And again, we have to protect the United States Capitol, the citadel of democracy in this country. And to see the actions of January 6th, it's heartbreaking. And so we have to get to it. I think my ranking member, John Katko, for being an honorable person in this process.

He took a lot of heat, but he said, I support it because it's the right thing to do. I spent 20 years prosecuting criminals and said this act that occurred on January 6th need a full and thorough review.

BURNETT: And it does and by the way that's what originally Mitch McConnell said. He said, I quote him, "A painstaking investigation and thorough review must now take place. And yet now he's made clear that he's going to vote against this in the Senate, obviously do everything possible to get his Republican caucus on board to do the same thing. Do you think there's any chance this bill passes the Senate, Chairman?

THOMPSON: Well, I'm optimistic that it will pass. People say we wouldn't get more than 20 votes in the House from Republicans. We got 35. I'm optimistic on the Senate side. If senators allow and not arm twist to go the other way, we'll get it.

But again, every time I see the pictures, every time I talk to groups, they asked me how did this happen in the greatest country in the world that people attacked our government. We're not tenable in dictatorship, we are a democracy.

We set the gold standard what every other country in the world who would aspire to be what we are. And so it was tragic, I think Democrats and Republicans, oldest country, a debt to get to the facts to make sure that whatever this commission comes up with, we agreed to implement it.

The Senate, I hope that they see it up. This is not Democrat- Republican. It's just not. And for them to try to make it, that is absolutely wrong.

BURNETT: Well, I appreciate your time, Chairman. Thank you very much. And I know you and your Ranking Member Katko worked really hard on this and it can't be said enough that it was bipartisan. Thank you so much. I appreciate it.

THOMPSON: Thank you.

BURNETT: Chairman Bennie Thompson there of Homeland Security.

