Meijer, Colleagues Introduce SUPPORT for New Workers Act to Incentivize Return to Work

Press Release

Date: June 18, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Representative Peter Meijer (R-MI) this week joined Representatives Mikie Sherrill (D-NJ) and Abigail Spanberger (D-VA) in introducing the Strengthening Unemployment Programs to Provide Opportunities for Recovery and Training (SUPPORT) for New Workers Act. This bill would adjust the lucrative enhanced federal unemployment benefits and incentivize Americans to return to work.

"While the end of the pandemic is in sight and life is steadily getting back to normal for many people, our country is experiencing a serious workforce crisis that is severely hindering what could otherwise be a strong rebound from COVID-19 and the challenges it presented,"said Rep. Meijer. "I hear from employers across West Michigan nearly every day about the labor supply problem that is forcing businesses to either reduce hours or close because they can't find willing employees. The Biden Administration's enhanced federal unemployment benefits incentivize Americans to stay home rather than get back to work. I am proud to introduce the bipartisan SUPPORT for New Workers Act to create the Newly Employed Worker Allowance that would provide new employees with weekly payments totaling 60 percent of their previous $300 per week Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation benefits. We must tailor these expansive unemployment benefits while encouraging Americans to return to work. If we don't take action now, our economy will continue to remain crippled by our labor shortages."

The SUPPORT for New Workers Act would:

Create the Newly Employed Worker Allowance, which would provide individuals who have become employed after previously receiving unemployment insurance with weekly payments of $180 (60% of their previous $300/week Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation benefit) from the time they become employed until the expiration of FPUC on September 6, 2021 (up to a maximum of nine weeks).
Require individuals who receive payments but then quit their job voluntarily within six weeks for non-COVID-19 related reasons to pay back their received payments as a condition of becoming eligible for a state or federal unemployment program.

The bill is supported by the Michigan Chamber of Commerce and the Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce.

"There is increasingly urgent need to address the ever-worsening workforce crisis and break down the barriers to employability, including supplemental federal unemployment benefits. We appreciate Congressman Meijer's work on this complex problem and for putting forward a creative solution to incentivize getting Michiganders back to work." -- Wendy Block, Vice President of Business Advocacy and Member Engagement, Michigan Chamber of Commerce

"The lack of workers is hitting industries in all sectors, all over the country. Construction firms are turning down work and restaurants are closed for lunch because they can't find enough employees. The bipartisan legislation introduce today will support businesses impacted by the labor shortage as a result of the pandemic by fixing incentive issues with retuning to work. We applaud the work of Congressman Meijer (R-MI) and his Democratic colleagues, Representatives Mikie Sherrill (D-NJ) and Abigail Spanberger (D-VA), for working together to find a solution that support employers and employees." -- Rick Baker, President and CEO, Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce
