Balderson Joins Conservative Climate Caucus, Calling for Pragmatic Solutions That Promote American Energy Security and Economic Growth

Press Release

Date: June 23, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Troy Balderson (OH-12) attended a press conference outside the U.S. Capitol Wednesday morning to announce the creation of the Conservative Climate Caucus, of which he and more than 50 Republican lawmakers added their names as original members.

"For too long, politicians and activists have peddled the notion that cleaner air, water, and soil can only be achieved at the peril of America's economic success and energy security," said Congressman Balderson. "The American people demand common sense solutions that embrace free market innovation and with a genuine concern for conservation. This is a stark contrast to the mere window dressing we are now witnessing through the heavy-handed, punitive, and costly actions taken by the Biden Administration.

"America and our global allies depend upon a steady energy supply, yet we're witnessing more attacks from more directions on this independence than ever before. Axing thousands of American jobs with the stroke of a pen is not the answer. Instead of unilaterally removing sanctions on a known adversary's energy infrastructure -- such as the Russian Nord Stream 2 pipeline -- I believe we should be enhancing our nation's energy independence by applying known capabilities with innovative technologies and sources. Together, we will stand up for pragmatic climate solutions that embrace--not stifle--American ingenuity and fight back against job-killing, costly, window dressing from the left."
"Today, I am proud to launch the Conservative Climate Caucus with many of my Republican colleagues," said Congressman John Curtis (R-UT). "Republicans have conservative solutions to lower emissions while enhancing economic prosperity. We do care about climate -- and we already have solutions and plan to find more.

"There is a way to lower global emissions without sacrificing American jobs and principles -- and I believe Republicans are the ones that can and should be leading the charge.

"I look forward to working with my colleagues to advance a message of caring for our planet, and move away from the culture of shaming that has become all too prevalent in our public dialogue."


The goal of the Conservative Climate Caucus is to bring members of the Republican party together to educate each other on climate policies that will make real progress on reducing emissions through American innovation and resources.

The energy sector has propelled the United States to the role of global leader in emissions reductions by investing in innovation. The American economy has simultaneously been provided with affordable, reliable energy -- the key pillar in our economy's extraordinary growth over the last several years.

The United States should be partnering with private innovators to leverage the full force of American ingenuity in this era. Together, the American private sector and the entire federal government can ensure domestic demand is met while also limiting the influence of foreign adversaries both at home and abroad.
