MSNBC "All In With Chris Hayes" - Transcript: Interview with Bennie Thompson


Date: June 1, 2021


REP. BENNIE THOMPSON (D-MS): Well, there`s no question about it, Chris. What those scholars say clearly represent, I think, a compendium of what they saw on January 6. That action, an insurrection that occurred, really is a test for our democracy. If we allow that kind of activity to continue to fester and foster in this great country of ours, we are in real danger.

And so, for four months, Congressman John Katko and myself fashioned out what we thought was a way forward for us to go. And I was happy to see a good bipartisan vote in the House. I ever -- I was really disappointed with what happened in the Senate. But Democrats in the House, we can`t allow ourselves to be disappointed. We have to move forward.

So, there are some options available to us. I`d like to see the Senate Leader Schumer to try again one more time to say to Leader McCarthy, say, you know, we`re going to give you and the Republicans another chance. If you don`t vote the right way this time, then I`m going to ask the House to assume some leadership in trying to get some solutions.

We can`t allow this insurrectionist activity to occur. And you`ve shown on the screen, Chris, exactly what occurred. You can`t convince people that Antifa or Black Lives Matter Movement did that. Clearly, it was Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, Trump supporters, and others who ramshackle the United States Capitol. We can`t allow that to go forward.

So, I`m convinced that Speaker Pelosi will make a decision if the Senate does not move forward because we have to protect the citadel of democracy in this country, which is the United States Capitol.

HAYES: Let me ask you this. Louie Gohmert is a colleague of yours. Obviously, he serves in Congress where you serve. You know, retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn was a very praised and respected U.S. military official at a certain point in his career before he was -- he was fired. You know, what is it -- what`s your reaction to hearing that moment in that room where this individual who is the national security adviser to the United States of America says in response to a whooping crowd, why can`t we have a military coup, saying, there`s no reason we can`t, we should.

THOMPSON: Well, that`s a sad day that someone who held for a short time a national security position in this country, but he pled guilty to a felony. And his partner, Donald Trump, allowed him to go free with a pardon. But nonetheless, he is a clear and present danger.

Chris, you know, the First Amendment allows freedom of speech. But there are some things that Louie Gohmert and Michael Flynn, these other folks were saying, borders on sedition. And so, I`m convinced that we will look at that in due time, because they just can`t say anything and go on untouched.

And this is what`s false in this, just like, if Donald Trump thinks he`s going back into the White House in August, there`s something wrong with it. And if you look at the people who attacked the Capitol -- I was in the Capitol that day. It was not a two -- I was locked in for over two hours not knowing what was going on.

And clearly, there is a way forward for the House representatives. We have to secure the Capitol. We have to defend our Capitol Police who put their lives on the line, protecting us that day. And clearly, if we allow this kind of activity to go forward, then every election that`s held in America is at risk.

HAYES: That`s right.

THOMPSON: That means that if my mayoral candidate didn`t win, I`ll tear up the city hall. So, you know, we have to -- we have to do something.

HAYES: That is very, very, very well said and a very good point. Congressman Bennie Thompson, thank you so much for your time tonight.

