Governor Polis Statement on Historic 2021 Legislative Session


DENVER -- Governor Jared Polis released a statement upon the conclusion of the First Regular Session of the 73rd General Assembly.

"I want to congratulate the Colorado General Assembly on this historic legislative session. Together, we are powering the Colorado comeback by jump starting our local economies, revitalizing main streets across the state, modernizing our transportation system, saving Coloradans money on health care, expanding our parks and beautiful outdoor spaces, tackling climate change, expanding access to preschool for all Colorado kids, improving mental and behavioral health services, and opening up affordable housing opportunities, just to name a few. These last few months have been some of the most productive on record, all while responding to a global pandemic and getting vaccines into arms across our state. In the coming weeks and months, we will be working to implement these landmark pieces of legislation, helping Colorado recover faster and stronger than ever before."
