Palazzo Co-Leads Reintroduction of Bill to Facilitate Data Collaboration Between Coastal States

Press Release

Congressman Steven Palazzo (MS-4) co-led the reintroduction the Regional Ocean Protection Act with his colleagues in the House of Representatives, Rep. Charlie Crist (D-FL), Rep. Alan Lowenthal (D-CA), and Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ).
This bipartisan legislation would authorize Regional Ocean Partnerships (ROPs) as partners with the federal government to address coastal and ocean-specific concerns. Currently, ROPs receive unstable funding through various grants and donations. This bill would provide a stable source of funds to allow ROPs to operate on missions of oceanic and coastal sustainability, as well as facilitate collaboration between federal, state, local, and tribal governments.
The Regional Ocean Protection Act was first introduced in the House of Representatives during the 116th Congress by Rep. Crist, Rep. Lowenthal, Rep. Palazzo, and Rep. Smith. The bipartisan legislation passed in the House, and then failed in the Senate by a slim margin.
The aforementioned representatives have reintroduced this legislation to once again fight for the success of coastal states in the 117th Congress.
"The Regional Ocean Partnership Act encourages collaboration between coastal states through information and data sharing which is imperative for oceanic studies and conservation management in the Mississippi Sound," said Rep. Palazzo. "This legislation fosters joint action between coastal states with the common goal of better understanding our oceans and learning the best ways to protect our resources for future generations of Gulf Coast residents. I am looking forward to seeing the Regional Ocean Partnership Act pass in not only the House, this Congress, but cross the finish line in the Senate as well."
"The Gulf of Mexico Alliance is excited about what the Regional Ocean Partnership Act will mean for coordination and collaboration within the regions. Allowing for expanded actions that cross programmatic and geographic boundaries, is imperative for meaningful regional accomplishments in coastal restoration and resilience," said Laura Bowie, Executive Director of GOMA.

Background on Regional Ocean Partnership Act:

Regional Ocean Partnerships (ROPs) are regional organizations voluntarily convened by state governors in collaboration with other governments and stakeholders to address ocean and coastal issues of concern in that region. The four existing ROPs include the Gulf of Mexico Alliance (GOMA), Northeast Regional Ocean Council (NROC), Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean (MARCO), and West Coast Ocean Alliance (WCOA).
In addition to providing more secure and predictable funding, authorization under this bill will give ROPs the ability to leverage funds from multiple federal agencies against state and private funding sources, further boosting their ability to address coastal and ocean issues of regional concern. The bill also establishes an application process for the designation of additional ROPs.
Senator Roger Wicker (R-MS) introduced a companion bill, S. 1894, and a similar version of the bill has been introduced in the Ocean-Based Climate Solutions Act, H.R. 3764 by the Natural Resources Committee Chairman Raul Grijalva (D-AZ).
