Mfume Secures $38.6 Million in Transportation Funds for Maryland's Seventh Congressional District Through the Invest in America Act

Press Release

Date: June 10, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Representative Kweisi Mfume (D-MD) today announced six projects he supported, totaling $38.6 million, were included in the Investing in a New Vision for the Environment and Surface Transportation (INVEST) in America Act (H.R. 3684) after the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee passed this critical piece of legislation out of committee today. The INVEST in America Act is major infrastructure legislation which makes transformational investments to modernize America's roads, bridges, highways, rail, and transit. It is a $547 billion package that will create good-paying jobs and rebuild the nation's surface transportation infrastructure. The bill will now advance to the full House.

"These critical investments in Baltimore City, Baltimore County, and Howard Country will cut down on commute times, make our community greener, create jobs, and connect all communities to opportunities" said Congressman Mfume. "I worked with my colleagues and pushed hard to include these projects in the INVEST in America Act, and I will keep working to deliver results for Maryland's Seventh Congressional District."

Congressman Mfume's advocacy helped lead to the funding of the following projects:

$13.2 million for the Baltimore City Department of Transportation to fund the Baltimore Greenway Trails Network

$2 million for the Maryland Transit Administration to fund Dual Mode (Electric and Diesel) Locomotives for Commuter Rail Service in the Future B&P Tunnel

$2 million for the Baltimore County Department of Public Works to fund the MicroTransit & Demand Response Electric Transit Vehicles and Infrastructure

$15 million for the Maryland Transit Administration and the Baltimore City Department of Transportation to fund the East-West Priority Corridor

$3.2 million for the Howard County Office of Transportation to fund the Howard County Flash Extension

$3.2 million for the Howard County Office of Transportation to fund the Dobbin Road Pathway
