Fitzgerald Statement on EU, U.S. Tariff Truce

Press Release

Date: May 17, 2021
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Trade

Today, Congressman Fitzgerald welcomed the announcement from the European Union (EU) to hold off on retaliatory metal tariffs that were set to take place on June 1.

Last week, Congressman Fitzgerald signed a letter urging the Biden Administration to work with the EU to prevent this increase from taking place and to find an amicable and diplomatic solution that addresses the Administration's concerns without punishing American consumers or workers.

After the EU announced a tariff truce this morning, the Congressman made the following statement:

"I am encouraged to see the Biden Administration respond to the bipartisan letter my colleagues and I sent last week on the European Union's retaliatory tariffs. Our trade policies must continue to hold other countries accountable for abuse. American workers and businesses win when we compete on a level playing field. I am pleased to see the EU will not be moving forward with punitive metal tariffs, this is a win for Wisconsin workers."
