McEachin Announces $960,000 in COVID-19 Relief for Richmond

Press Release

Date: April 16, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman A. Donald McEachin (VA-04) today announced a financial award of $960,000 from the Economic Development Administration to the Virginia Economic Development Partnership. The investment aims to invigorate the Richmond economy, which has suffered because of the pandemic, by developing a plan that would support business operations, increase job creation and enhance investments.

"This is critical evidence as to why all the COVID relief measures have been so important and why I worked so hard to see them pass," McEachin said. "This pandemic has impacted virtually every area of our lives. The economy took a big dive, jobs were lost and families struggled. These particular funds are aimed at ensuring the economy roars back stronger and more stable, with good paying jobs and healthy businesses."
