Gov. Ricketts: 20 Senators Stand Between Nebraskans & Property Tax Relief


Date: April 23, 2021
Location: Lincoln, NE
Issues: Taxes

LINCOLN -- Today, Governor Pete Ricketts issued a statement following a vote by the Legislature on LB 408, a bill to limit the growth of local government property taxes.

"Thank you to the bipartisan group of 29 senators who voted to advance property tax relief last night," said Gov. Ricketts. "These 29 senators stood with the people of Nebraska who have been crying out for relief. A group of 20 senators voted against property tax relief. They are the roadblock that stands between getting the people of Nebraska the property tax relief they desperately need. If the Legislature does not address this critical priority in the immediate future, it becomes more and more likely that the people of Nebraska will do away with the property tax system altogether."
