Rep. Williams' Statement on Biden's Address to Congress


Date: April 29, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Representative Roger Williams (TX-25) issued the following statement following President Biden's speech before a joint session of Congress:

"Since President Biden took office 100 days ago, he has led the most partisan, liberal White House in our Nation's history," said Congressman Williams. "Far from his promises of unity and bipartisanship on inauguration day, his address tonight validated that past pledges to be a President for all Americans were just a smoke screen for the policies he would ultimately pursue. Tonight he doubled down on efforts to raise taxes, destroy oil and gas jobs, and stifle four years of economic growth to appease his liberal base. What was lacking in his speech was any credible plan to address the crisis on the southern border that his administration created. We can all agree that an open border that encourages drug and human trafficking threatens the safety of the American people. The President's remarks reinforced that he doesn't take border security seriously and is determined to reverse successful policies from the Trump Administration.

It should also not be lost on the American people that many of the accomplishments that President Biden celebrated this evening are because of the tireless efforts of Operation Warp Speed and President Trump. President Trump's ambitious targets to have a vaccine approved by end of 2020 were laughed at by Democrats who now shower themselves with praise for an effort they undermined and criticized for months. I will continue to oppose the radical policies of President Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer that threaten to destroy our economy, bankrupt Main Street America, and pass trillions of dollars of new debt onto the backs of hard-working Americans."
