Congressman Horsford Condemns Attacks on Israel and Calls for De-Escalation


Date: May 12, 2021
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Foreign Affairs

WASHINGTON D.C. -- Today, Congressman Steven Horsford released the following statement calling for de-escalation after violent clashes between Hamas and Israel.

"Israeli and Palestinian families deserve to live without fear. Hamas' attacks against Israeli civilians are unacceptable and have directly led to the loss of innocent lives on both sides of the conflict. Israel has a right to defend itself, and I support the ongoing efforts to strengthen the Iron Dome missile defense system while advancing peaceful negotiations. We must have a two-state solution that respects human rights and ensures lasting peace.

"As we mourn the lives that have been lost, I support the Biden Administration's steadfast commitment to securing peace in the region. The strong relationship between the U.S. and Israel is critical to protect the safety of both our nations."
