Sarbanes Joins Maryland Congressional Delegation Members and Local Officials in Baltimore to Demand Equitable Infrastructure Investments and End Shameful Legacy of the "Highway to Nowhere'

Press Release

Date: May 17, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman John Sarbanes (D-Md.) today joined Maryland Congressional Delegation Members, Baltimore City Mayor Brandon Scott and local leaders to discuss the Reconnecting Communities Act, a bill to remove outdated and inequitable infrastructure, like Baltimore's Highway to Nowhere, and help end the legacy of highway construction projects that divide neighborhoods and undermine economic opportunity.

The lawmakers also discussed the American Jobs Plan and the historic effort underway to modernize infrastructure, address inequities, drive economic growth and invest in every community across the country. See here for the full press conference.

"For far too long, communities across the country -- including many communities of color right here in Baltimore -- have been locked out, left behind and cast aside when it comes to American infrastructure," said Congressman John Sarbanes. "Working closely with our state and local partners, my colleagues and I in the Maryland Congressional Delegation will fight to advance efforts like the Reconnecting Communities Act and the American Jobs Plan, which would make critical investments in every community and strengthen our economy for all Americans."

The Reconnecting Communities Act would establish a grant program at the Department of Transportation to help communities identify and remove or retrofit highway infrastructure that creates obstacles to mobility and opportunity.

See here for more information about the bill.

