2006 Will Build on Legislative Successes of 2005

Date: Feb. 8, 2006
Location: Washington, DC

2006 WILL BUILD ON LEGISLATIVE SUCCESSES OF 2005 -- (House of Representatives - February 08, 2006)


(Mrs. BLACKBURN asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend her remarks.)

Mrs. BLACKBURN. Mr. Speaker, in the past several weeks we have all been back at home spending time in our districts talking with constituents, and I cannot even begin to tell you how energizing that has been. We have talked about tax policy. We have talked about the war or terrorism. We have talked about the ways we can reduce government spending. There are a lot of great ideas out there. And we have discussed the border security issue.

Last year, we enacted several spending cuts. Great work for us. Our men and women in uniform eliminated key al Qaeda figures, and we eliminated or cut some duplicative and wasteful government programs. We have a lot more to do. And we also passed legislation to work on our illegal immigration problem.

Mr. Speaker, this is going to be a great year. We are going to build on the successes of 2005, and we are going to act on the issues that matter to our constituents. Let's get to work.

