Hudson At Gop Retreat: 'President Gets A On Rhetoric But F On Results'

Press Release

Date: April 27, 2021
Location: Orlando, FL

Addressing reporters this week at the House Republican policy retreat in Orlando, U.S. Representative and Conference Secretary Richard Hudson (NC-08) discussed President Joe Biden's first 100 days ahead of the President's speech in Congress on Wednesday. Rep. Hudson said the President's results have not matched his rhetoric surrounding bipartisanship and unity.

"As you look back over these 100 days, I give the President A+ on rhetoric, but I give him an F on results," said Rep. Hudson. "You look at the first 100 days of the Biden presidency and it's about making us less safe, about threatening jobs, and it's about taking issues that were bipartisan and making them partisan - like COVID relief, like infrastructure. These are ideas that we all agree on, and we all agree on a lot. But this president has decided to go at it alone. He has not even reached out to Kevin McCarthy once in 100 days. And so again, the rhetoric doesn't match the result."

Rep. Hudson also discussed the prospects of Republicans gaining the majority in the U.S. House of Representatives.

"When I go home and talk to my constituents, what they care about is what their family is going through -- are their children able to go to school? What's their economic situation like? What they are seeing coming out of Washington is so radical and so far to the left, regardless of where you are on the political spectrum, I really believe that is one of the main drivers of why we will be in the majority next Congress."

Watch Rep. Hudson's full remarks here.
