National Commission to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the United States Capitol Complex Act

Floor Speech

Date: May 19, 2021
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. GOTTHEIMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today, as a member of the Committee on Homeland Security, in strong support of H.R. 3233, Chairman Thompson and Ranking Member Katko's bill to form a bipartisan, independent commission to investigate the January 6 domestic terrorism attack on the United States Capitol.

On January 6, the world witnessed an attempted insurrection against our government to overturn the will of the American people. I know that because I was right here in this House Chamber that day as doors were barricaded and Members and staff were forced to evacuate. The mob that stormed our Capitol, resulting in the death of a Capitol police officer, tore down the American flag and desecrated the seat of our democracy. These lawless thugs, led by members of extremist groups like the Oath Keepers, and Proud Boys, and Stop the Steal, attempted an insurrection. In the end, they failed. We gathered back together here, uncowed, and the electoral college was certified.

Mr. Speaker, but true healing cannot come without a serious investigation and real accountability. I am very proud that last night, the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus, 29 Democrats and 29 Republicans, came together to endorse this legislation, putting aside politics to get to the bottom of what happened that day.

This bipartisan commission, modeled on the 9/11 Commission, will undertake an investigation into the facts and what caused the attack.

Mr. Speaker, this legislation will help us deter further would-be extremists, and provide the law enforcement homeland security community with the tools needed to protect the Capitol and our country from future attacks.

I thank Chairman Thompson and Ranking Member Katko for their extraordinary leadership and months of hard work together on the bill, the way governing should occur.

Mr. Speaker, I urge all my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to join in support of securing and protecting the very foundation of our democracy.

