Rural Stem Education Research Act

Floor Speech

Date: May 17, 2021
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. FEENSTRA. Mr. Speaker, in this era of scientific and technological innovation, it has never been more important to ensure our students have access to quality STEM education programs, especially in rural communities.

Implementing high-speed, reliable broadband goes hand in hand with this goal.

This is why I urge my colleagues to support the Rural STEM Education Research Act. Both STEM education and quality broadband access are critical to the future success and revitalization of rural America.

I am hopeful that this legislation will break down barriers rural Iowans face in receiving STEM education that is both forward-thinking and long-lasting for our rural communities. This bill will also help us identify the technological and logistical challenges we still must overcome to provide broadband to every last acre of land.

Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman from Oklahoma, Ranking Member Lucas, for this outstanding bill and important piece of legislation.

