Supporting Early-Career Researchers Act

Floor Speech

Date: May 17, 2021
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Science

Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support of H.R. 144, the Supporting Early-Career Researchers Act, the first bipartisan bill Chairwoman Johnson and I introduced in the 117th Congress.

Over the past year, COVID-19 has caused substantial disruptions across this country, including in the U.S. research enterprise. Most research and development work stopped or was dramatically limited to provide for safe social distancing, and it is estimated we lost between 20 and as much as 40 percent of our research output.

In addition to this loss of research, we are facing the loss of our researchers. Graduate students and post-docs are particularly vulnerable to research disruptions. With their research on pause, these young scientists are finding it difficult to complete their degree requirements. Those who have finished their degrees are having trouble finding work.

Much of academia has implemented hiring freezes, and it is estimated that faculty openings in the sciences have decreased by more than 70 percent compared to 2019. At the same time, the pace of innovation is accelerating globally, and with it, the competition for scientific and technical talent.

The Chinese Communist Party has repeatedly stated it is determined to overtake the U.S. in critical technologies like AI, quantum computing, and advanced manufacturing. These technologies will require new levels of scientific skills and understanding, and this new generation of scientists will play a critical role in how they are developed.

Now more than ever, the innovation capacity of the U.S. and our prosperity and security depend on an effective and an innovative STEM workforce to compete with our adversaries.

If we do not provide the resources to support these young researchers, we will be limiting our ability to support new and innovative discoveries for years to come. Unfortunately, of the nearly $6 trillion in COVID research spending that Congress has passed, only $600 million was allocated to helping the research industry recover.

That is only 1 percent for a sector of our economy that drives as much as 85 percent of the long-term growth. We have relied on American science and scientists to combat COVID and we are not giving them the funding they need to resume the work that has been stopped by the pandemic and keep our future innovators in the system. Our STEM pipeline and future competitors could be irreparably damaged if we don't act quickly.

Mr. Speaker, that is why I am so proud to cosponsor this legislation. It will establish a pilot program at the National Science Foundation to provide 2-year fellowships to young researchers whose career paths have been disrupted by the pandemic. The bill will support 3,200 fellowships over 4 years. These fellowships will allow talented young scientists and engineers to carry out independent research at an institution of higher education of their choosing.

This bill provides targeted and temporary relief to support early- career scientists, keeping them in the STEM pipeline while the research enterprise recovers. By supporting these young researchers, we are investing in America's research and technology leadership.

This legislation has been endorsed by over 30 organizations, and has nearly as many cosponsors. It was favorably reported out of the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology on a bipartisan basis, and I strongly urge my colleagues to vote in favor of this bill.

Mr. Speaker, I, again, thank Chairwoman Johnson and her staff for working with me on this important legislation, and I reserve the balance of my time.

Mr. LUCAS. Mr. Speaker, I am prepared to close, and I yield myself such time as I may consume.

Mr. Speaker, America's scientific progress depends on a large pool of talented STEM professionals. Our early-career researchers are a critical link in the chain of developing the next generation of scientists.

Unfortunately, in the STEM community, these young scientists have been disproportionately affected by COVID-related lab closures, reduced funding, and hiring freezes. We risk losing these valuable scientists if we do nothing.

Mr. Speaker, I am proud to join Chairwoman Johnson in championing the Supporting Early-Career Researchers Act to support this up-and-coming generation of scientists and preserve America's research and technological leadership.

Mr. Speaker, in closing, I thank Chairwoman Johnson and her staff for working in a bipartisan and collaborative way on this legislation. I encourage my colleagues to support this bill, and I yield back the balance of my time.

