Risch, Menendez On Committee Passage Of Ukraine Security Partnership Act

Press Release

Date: April 21, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senators Jim Risch (R-Idaho) and Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), ranking member and chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today applauded committee passage of their Ukraine Security Partnership Act. This legislation increases and improves U.S. military support to Ukraine, and sends a message that the United States will continue to support the people of Ukraine, their ability to defend themselves, and the country's democratic transition.

"Today, as Russia masses more than 100,000 troops on the Ukrainian border, more than at any time since the 2014 invasion, I am proud the committee moved the Ukrainian Security Partnership Act forward in support of the Ukrainian people. Ukrainians have a right to choose their own future, and this bill contributes to that by supporting Western-style military reforms, lethal and non-lethal military equipment to defend itself from Russia, and U.S. diplomatic support for peace negotiations," said Ranking Member Risch. "I was also proud to support the inclusion of an amendment I worked to draft with Senator Cruz that requires President Biden to report to Congress on whether 20 specific entities are subject to sanctions under the Protecting European Energy Security Act. I believe that all of these entities are currently involved in building out the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. U.S. law requires that such entities be sanctioned -- this amendment should make Congress' intent crystal clear."

"I am glad that the Committee overwhelmingly signaled the United States' unwavering, bipartisan dedication to our friends in Ukraine, who are on the frontlines of Russian aggression, with the passage of this bill," Chairman Menendez said. "As Putin continues to escalate the situation along the border with Ukraine, we are speaking with one voice in reaffirming our steadfast support to the people of Ukraine and our commitment to protect our national security interests and our closest partners. I look forward to working with Senator Risch and all of my colleagues to urge passage of this critical security assistance package by the full Senate."

Key provisions of the Ukraine Security Partnership Act as amended:

Requires the president to report to Congress within 15 days whether Nord Stream 2 AG, the company building the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, and 19 other entities are eligible for sanctions under the Protecting Europe's Energy Security Act;
Reaffirms the United States' commitment to Ukraine's democratic transition, to deterring Russian aggression toward Ukraine, and restates our refusal to recognize Crimea's illegal annexation;
Authorizes $300 million in foreign military financing (lethal and non-lethal), of which $150 million will be subject to conditions;
Allows Ukraine to receive expedited excess defense article transfers;
Authorizes $4 million for international military education and training;
Requires a strategy on vulnerability to predatory investments in Ukraine's defense industry;
Requires a report on the strategy for how the United States will support Ukraine diplomatically;
Encourages the creation of a Ukraine working group with European allies; and
Encourages the appointment of a special envoy for Ukraine on negotiations & regional issues.
Text of the Ukraine Security Partnership Act as introduced can be found here.
