Huizenga Signs on to Maximum Pressure Act to Hold Iran Accountable

Press Release

Date: April 22, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Congressman Bill Huizenga (MI-02) announced his support for the Maximum Pressure Act, the toughest sanction legislation against Iran in the history of Congress. In addition to increasing sanctions to include Iran's ballistic missile program, the Maximum Pressure Act also prioritizes human rights, and restores Congressional review over international treaties pertaining to Iran.

"Iran remains the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism," said Congressman Bill Huizenga. "The Iranian regime has proven time and again that they cannot be trusted. Sanctions have proven to have a significant impact on changing the behavior of Iranian officials and the Maximum Pressure Act would be the strongest application of sanctions to date. This legislation also restores the balance of power by requiring any agreement with Iran to be ratified by the Senate."

Huizenga continued, "President Biden's decision to try and reconstitute the failed Obama era Iranian Nuclear Agreement is an abdication of leadership that will put Iran on the doorstep of a nuclear breakout. A nuclearized Iran not only poses a significant threat to the stability of the Middle East and U.S. Allies across the region, but it also dramatically increases the probably of terrorists attaining a nuclear device."

The Maximum Pressure Act accomplishes three major objectives:

Empowers Congress to ensure a successful, long-term Iran strategy by stopping the Biden administration from re-entering the Iran Deal and providing unprecedented congressional review.
The bill would make it a statement of policy that any new deal with Iran should be a treaty ratified by the Senate.
The bill would limit the President's ability to abuse waiver and license authorities and puts sunsets on the President's waiver and license authorities thereby requiring Congress to renew such authorities.
Codifies the Trump Administration's maximum pressure campaign, which is a proven successful strategy.
The bill codifies into law the sanctions issued by the Trump administration and prohibits their termination unless and until the President can certify to Congress that Iran has met all 12 demands that former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo laid out in May 2018 as part of the maximum pressure campaign, as well as a new 13th demand of Iran related to human rights and accountability.
Expands Iran sanctions, making it the toughest sanctions ever introduced in Congress on Iran.
The bill authorizes new sanctions on individuals assisting Iran's ballistic missile program, the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), and Iranian backed terrorist militias in the Middle East.
