Tweet - "This week, the House will vote on Speaker Pelosi's so-called "For the People's Act" IN FACT - this partisan bill would undermine the American people, by imposing a sweeping federal rewrite of our election system to strip states of their power and consolidate it in Washington"

Social Media

Date: March 3, 2021
Issues: Elections

"This week, the House will vote on Speaker Pelosi's so-called 'For the People's Act'

IN FACT - this partisan bill would undermine the American people, by imposing a sweeping federal rewrite of our election system to strip states of their power and consolidate it in Washington"


xUse taxpayer $ to fund campaigns
xBan voter ID
xPrevent removal of ineligible voters from registration rolls
xAllow felons and minors to vote
xAllow 15 days of early voting
xAccept absentee ballots 10 days after Election Day
xLegalize ballot harvesting"

