Congressman Rice Announced as Co-Chair of Coastal Communities Caucus

Press Release

By: Tom Rice
By: Tom Rice
Date: April 23, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Recently, the Coastal Communities Caucus announced Congressman Tom Rice (R-SC) as Co-Chair. The caucus is a bipartisan forum in the House of Representatives designed to highlight the unique concerns of those that live, work, and vacation along America's coasts.

"South Carolina has 2,900 miles of tidal coastline, much of which is in the 7th District. Coastal concerns are known well by my constituents who host more than 14 million tourists per year and must frequently mitigate the effects of severe storms and flooding," said Congressman Tom Rice. "I am pleased to Co-Chair the Coastal Communities Caucus, which serves as a platform for collaboration with districts facing similar issues. I look forward to working with the Caucus on ways to best serve the people who live, work, and vacation in South Carolina's 7th District."

The forum serves as an arena to share information, advocate for initiatives, and work together on behalf of constituents in coastal districts. The Caucus elevates the particular interests of the nation's coastal communities such as: beaches and tourism economies, flood preparedness, recreational and commercial fisheries, ports, and Army Corp infrastructure.

Coastal issues have long held a place at the heart of bipartisan politics and the Caucus helps to maintain this agreement to the benefit of our districts, constituents, and the nation.
