In Honor of National Arab American Heritage Month

Floor Speech

Date: April 28, 2021
Location: Washington, DC


Ms. NEWMAN. Madam Speaker, I rise to celebrate April as Arab American Heritage Month and honor the outstanding contributions that Arab Americans have made to this country.

For over a century, Arab Americans have been an integral part of virtually every aspect of American society, including medicine, law, business, education, technology, government, military service, and culture. The incredible contributions and heritage of Arab Americans have helped us build a better nation.

Men and women of Arab descent have strengthened their communities through involvement in community service and public life and by sharing their rich culture and traditions with neighbors and friends. In Illinois' Third District, which has one of the largest concentrations of Palestinian, Jordanian, and Syrian Americans in the country, the Arab American community is a fundamental part of our civic life and culture.

Unfortunately, Arab Americans continue to face misconceptions, bigotry, and anti-Arab hate. These civil rights abuses, and instances of harmful stereotyping and bullying, must be combatted through education, awareness, and legislation.

Arab Americans join all Americans in the desire to see a peaceful and diverse society, where every individual is treated equally and feels safe; we must continue to work towards a future where every American is able to live free from discrimination.

I am proud to celebrate the extraordinary contributions Arab Americans have made to this country, and I am deeply honored to recognize National Arab American Heritage month this April.

