Highlighting Domestic Energy Production

Floor Speech

Date: April 15, 2021
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Oil and Gas


Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, I am happy to join my fellow Republicans tonight to talk about the state of energy and the very dangerous Biden ban on energy production in this country.

This country needs a reliable, affordable supply of energy, but the Biden executive orders reduce access to energy sources.

America has only very recently achieved energy independence through innovation, lower regulations, and a free market, but these executive orders go the other way and will make us dependent on foreign energy producers.

Make no mistake about it, the energy will still be produced, maybe just not in the United States. But year over year, since 2005, America's carbon emissions have declined, in spite of increased production.

I draw attention to the data shared with the Congress by the Texas Oil and Gas Association: Reduction of flaring in the Permian Basin has really brought carbon emissions down.

We can't strangle ourselves. We need to have American energy. We need American energy independence.

