Be the Match Program

Floor Speech

Date: April 14, 2021
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. EMMER. Mr. Speaker, many families, including my own, have been impacted by cancer. For more than 178,000 Americans diagnosed with a blood cancer like leukemia, lymphoma, or myeloma, the Be The Match program represents hope.

Founded in Minnesota, Be The Match runs the world's largest registry designed to connect patients in need of lifesaving blood or marrow transplants with a donor. In 2019, Be The Match facilitated over 6,500 transplants, giving hope to countless families around the world. Minnesota has long been a hub for this kind of medical innovation.

As a co-chair of the Personalized Medicine Caucus, I urge all of my colleagues today to support the TRANSPLANT Act and reauthorize Federal partnerships like Be The Match, which have impacted the lives of millions. Connecting patients with donors and developing the next generation of regenerative medicine truly represents the best of who we are as a society.

I thank Representative Matsui and the other sponsors of this legislation for their hard work. I encourage everyone to help keep hope alive by supporting this bill.

