Congressman Morelle Acts to Combat Gender Discrimination and Strengthen Women's Rights

Press Release

Date: March 17, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Congressman Joe Morelle voted in support of H.J. Res. 17, which would remove the arbitrary expiration date that has prevented the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment into the Constitution. Congressman Morelle co-sponsors the resolution which would enshrine critical rights and protections for women everywhere.

"The United States Constitution is one of our most sacred historical documents, outlining the fundamental laws and principles of our nation--and it's long past time that we bring its language into the 21st century to reflect our nation's true values," said Congressman Joe Morelle. "By ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment, we not only demonstrate our commitment to guaranteeing women the full equality they deserve, but we also codify the necessary legal protections to combat gender-based discrimination that too many women face. I want my granddaughters to grow up knowing without a shadow of a doubt they have the same rights as their male peers, and that's why I'm so proud to vote for this important resolution."

First proposed in 1923 by suffragist Alice Paul, the Equal Rights Amendment states that the "equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State on account of sex" and, among other protections, will provide Americans with a critical tool to combat the discrimination women face including pay discrimination, pregnancy discrimination, and sexual and domestic violence.

The ERA has languished since the deadline lapsed in 1982, when only 35 of the required 38 states had approved its ratification. However, since that time, three states -- Nevada, Illinois, and Virginia -- have agreed to ratify the amendment should Congress vote to remove the deadline, ensuring we meet the critical 38-state threshold to enshrine the ERA as our Constitution's 28th amendment.

"A vote for the ERA is a vote for equality, and I will always stand up to ensure every American who calls our nation home has the equal rights they deserve," added Congressman Morelle.

This legislation has passed the House and will now be transmitted to the Senate for consideration.

