DeLauro Statement on the American Jobs Plan


Date: March 31, 2021
Location: New Haven, CT

House Appropriations Committee Chair Rosa DeLauro (CT-03) issued the following statement on the American Jobs Plan, which President Biden will formally unveil this afternoon, that will create millions of jobs and reimagine and rebuild a new American economy:

"After decades of inadequate investments in America's physical and social infrastructure and four years of failed "Infrastructure Weeks,' we finally have a partner in the White House who is committed to making transformative investments that will shape our economy in a way that meets the moment. We cannot simply return to normal. Now is the time to make desperately needed investments to rebuild our nation and create millions of good-paying jobs that cannot be outsourced.

"From fixing our crumbling roads and bridges, revitalizing transit systems, ensuring access to clean drinking water, and bringing high-speed broadband to every corner of our country, the American Jobs Plan will move our country's economy into the 21st century.

"I am particularly thrilled to see a focus on creating good, union jobs and caring for vulnerable communities by bolstering the infrastructure of our care economy. In addition to reducing lead exposure in homes, which will be a tremendous help with our older housing stock, a shocking, unacceptable number of schools and child care centers still rely on lead pipes for drinking water. The American Jobs Plan will change that. As many of these centers and schools struggle to reopen, these investments ensure our children are not simply returning to normal.

"Additionally, investing in research and development, with focused investments at HBCUs and other minority serving institutions, and a relentless focus on green energy will further foster strong and equitable economic growth.

"President Biden has smartly proposed to offset the cost of this plan by reversing the corporate tax cut at the heart of the Republican tax scam. To rebuild America, it is only right that highly-profitable companies -- many of which have made fortunes shipping jobs overseas -- pay their fair share in taxes, which I have long championed.

"In order to compete in a globalized economy, the United States must make long-term, pro-growth investments in our transportation, energy, environmental, and telecommunications infrastructure. With the American Jobs Plan, President Biden has laid out a clear path forward to make once-in-a-century investments in our communities while creating millions of good jobs. I look forward to working with my colleagues to turn this bold vision, as well as President Biden's soon-to-be-announced social infrastructure plan, into law."
