Rep. Eshoo Votes to Pass Historic Legislation to Advance Women's Rights and Safety

Press Release

Date: March 17, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Today, U.S. Rep. Anna G. Eshoo (CA-18) voted to pass two major pieces of legislation to defend the equality and safety of women in America.

"The safety and equality of women under the law should not be up for debate. Reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act and removing the final barrier to the Equal Rights Amendment are long overdue and historic steps to make our nation a more equitable and safer place for all people," said Rep. Eshoo. "I voted with great pride for the Violence Against Women Act when it originally passed the House in 1994. Since then we have made great strides to end gendered violence, but our work is not done. At a time when this pandemic has forced victims of violence to be home with their abusers, reauthorizing this legislation is particularly urgent."

H.R. 1620, the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2021, advances justice, safety and dignity for America's women, particularly the most vulnerable. Learn more about the bill HERE.

"Nearly a century after the Equal Rights Amendment was drafted, despite having passed both chambers of Congress with a super-majority vote, the landmark provision to demand equality under the law is still not part of the Constitution because of an arbitrary deadline. Now is the time to remove this roadblock and include the equity of women in our nation's guiding document," said Rep. Eshoo.

H.J.Res. 17 is a resolution to remove the deadline for the ratification of the equal rights amendment, creating additional avenues of legal recourse for people who face discrimination under the laws on the basis of sex, and ensuring the Supreme Court applies the same standard of review for sex discrimination cases as it applies to cases of discrimination based on race and national origin.
