Rep. Boebert Stands Against ANTIFA and Condemns Political Violence

Press Release

Date: March 26, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Representative Lauren Boebert (CO-03) introduced a resolution to designate ANTIFA as a domestic terrorist organization and unequivocally condemn its violent actions.

Representative Lauren Boebert stated: "When an organization targets the home of a sitting U.S. Senator, burns down cities across the country, and murders Americans because of their political beliefs, it would normally be designated a terrorist organization. Instead, Democrats like Kamala Harris fundraise to bail them out of prison. ANTIFA, and the Democrats who support it, are enemies of the American people."


Opposing violent extremists terrorist organizations used to be a bi-partisan issue, but now Democrats are putting their radical left supporters ahead of national security. Even the Obama administration classified ANTIFA efforts as "domestic terrorist violence." Now, the Biden administration is pretending that ANTIFA is a myth.

America's backbone is the Constitution, which includes the first amendment guarantees to the right of free speech. ANTIFA exists to shut down the free exchange of ideas and their political power is a fascist expression of force. Like the toxic cancel culture of the radical left, ANTIFA threatens to silence anyone who opposes them.

This past summer, ANTIFA laid siege for over 60 days on a U.S. federal courthouse, injuring over 250 federal law enforcement officers. This treasonous insurrection used violence and fear to advance their political agenda--the very definition of terrorism.

It is time to put the safety of the American people ahead of politics and designate ANTIFA as a terrorist organization and declare that ALL political violence has no place in our great Nation.

11 Members of Congress co-sponsored Representative Boebert's bill including: Reps. Randy Weber (TX-14), Jeff Duncan (SC-03), Andy Biggs (AZ-05), Bob Good (VA-05), Barry Moore (AL-02), Louie Gohmert (TX-01), Mary Miller (IL-15), Chip Roy (TX-21), Paul Gosar (AZ-04), Greg Steube (FL-17), and Jody Hice (GA-10).
