Rep. Boebert Introduces Bill Moving Capitol Fence to Southern Border

Press Release

Date: March 8, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Today, U.S. Representative Lauren Boebert (CO-03) introduced a bill to move the fencing around the U.S. Capitol to the southern border.

Representative Lauren Boebert (CO-03) stated: "You protect what you care about--President Trump built a wall to protect the American people, and Democrats built a wall around the Capitol to protect themselves. Democrats are used to hiding--after all, Joe Biden spent last year in his basement--but it is wrong to shut the American people out of the People's House. Congress needs to get back to doing the people's business with full accountability and access, with members of the public able to meet with their elected representatives. A Congress afraid of its own citizens is unworthy to lead the free world."


The Capitol has been surrounded by razor wire fences and National Guard members for months at a cost to taxpayers of more than $519 million. Currently, Democrats are calling for the fence to remain up through the fall, effectively closing the People's House to the American people. During the Trump Administration, Democrats said that walls don't work, but as soon as they got in power, they built a wall around the Capitol and the White House.

The fencing around the Capitol is no longer necessary. Following mass media reports of the threat of a violent protest on March 4th, the Capitol went on a heightened security posture. The Democrats all stayed home, where they've been since last year, but Rep. Boebert's office came to work ready to go about the people's business. There was no violence or protests, and the Capitol was never in danger.

Rep. Boebert has spent time with the great men and women of the National Guard, and while she is grateful for their service, she also recognizes that it is time for them to go home to their families.

Rep. Boebert introduced a bill to move the fence from the Capitol to the southern border, because instead of protecting itself, a government's first duty is to protect its people. Unfortunately, Democrats do not share this conviction and have been working to reduce border security by recalling the National Guard that were stationed there during the Trump Administration.
